A captivating smile not only boosts confidence but also leaves a lasting impression. As Invisalign gains popularity as a discreet and effective method for straightening teeth, the importance of selecting the right provider cannot be overstated. Your choice of Invisalign Auckland provider significantly influences the outcome of your journey toward a transformed smile. Let’s delve into why it’s crucial to carefully opt for an experienced and certified Invisalign provider in Auckland, along with additional factors to consider.

Enhanced Expertise

Selecting a Preferred Invisalign Provider ensures your dentist has extensive experience utilizing invisible aligners to rectify orthodontic issues. These providers undergo certification involving comprehensive training sessions, both online and in-person, supervised by Invisalign professionals. Dentists attaining the status of Preferred Invisalign Provider have treated a considerable number of cases annually, placing them among the top 5% of providers. This heightened level of expertise promises patients an improved treatment experience.

Treatment of Complex Cases

While clear aligner trays effectively address various misalignment issues, severe cases may necessitate alternative treatment methods or referral to an orthodontist. However, some preferred providers can handle such complex cases, eliminating the need for patients to seek treatment elsewhere.

Expanded Patient Age Range

Elevating within the Invisalign network allows providers to extend their services to younger patients. While basic Invisalign training limits dentists to treating adults, preferred providers, owing to their accumulated experience, often qualify for training to cater to children and teenagers.

In addition to the provider’s qualifications, it’s vital to understand the broader advantages of Invisalign treatment. Unlike traditional braces, which can be conspicuous, uncomfortable, and challenging to clean, Invisalign offers a discreet, comfortable, and removable alternative. Treatment typically spans 12 to 18 months, with noticeable improvements often visible within the initial weeks. Moreover, Invisalign leverages technology for continual refinement and enhancement of treatment methods.

Caring 4 Smiles Invisalign in Auckland

At Caring 4 Smiles Dental Group, the usual cost of an Invisalign consultation is $160, but we’re excited to offer it to you completely free of charge. We’re covering the expense of these consultations ourselves, and this offer is limited to 12 patients this month. There’s no pressure or obligation to proceed with treatment. Should you need to reschedule or cancel your appointment, kindly call our office in advance so that we can accommodate other patients during your allotted time slot. Additionally, for patients opting for Invisalign treatment, we provide complimentary teeth whitening, a service typically costing $400. It’s important to note that this offer is exclusively available to those choosing to undergo Invisalign treatment at Caring 4 Smiles Dental Group and is separate from the complimentary initial consultation.

The advertised starting price of $96 per week is based on an Invisalign ‘Express’ treatment plan and includes a 12-month interest-free payment option with a total investment of $5,000. However, it’s essential to understand that individual treatment costs may vary, ranging from $5,000 to $9,000, depending on the complexity of your case. 

We’ll provide a personalized quote during your free consultation and discuss various payment arrangements. We’re eagerly anticipating the opportunity to assist you. Should you have any additional inquiries or wish to schedule your complimentary consultation over the phone, please don’t hesitate to contact our office at (09) 631 5416.