Wisdom Teeth Extraction in Auckland

All human beings can develop wisdom teeth. Some of us have inherited our jaw structure from one parent and the teeth from the other. This can cause a space problem when the 4 wisdom teeth begin to push themselves through around 16 - 18 years of age. These teeth are called 'third molars' and also called wisdom teeth because our parents expect their children to develop some wisdom by the age of 16 - 18.

Alas, like all growing pains, wisdom teeth can cause a lot of discomfort and pain if the jaw does not have enough space and so cannot accommodate their eruptions. Food gets impacted behind the second molars and can cause considerable infection. The kind of bacteria that develops in these pockets are 'anaerobic' and grow rapidly without the presence of oxygen. The initial discomfort is usually mild and often settles down, giving the individual the false sense of security that the problem has magically gone away.  We have seen some patients land in hospital with complications of their wisdom teeth infections spreading.

Shortly thereafter, during the Christmas holidays or whilst on an overseas  trip, wisdom teeth issues can flare up and cause massive swelling and illness. The last place you want to be doing wisdom teeth extractions is while on holiday overseas. A dentist must routinely examine young patients for the positions of their wisdom teeth and suggest best practice management. 

If you are you suffering from pain caused by Wisdom Teeth? Caring 4 Smiles Epsom is Auckland’s Wisdom Tooth removal dentist. Don’t wait in pain any longer, our gentle dentist can help.

These may need to be surgically removed if they affect other teeth – often referred to as “impacted wisdom teeth”. This failure to erupt properly may occur either because there is not enough room in the jaw for the tooth, or because of its abnormal position. Many oral health dentist recommend removal of wisdom teeth, as early extraction helps eliminate a number of problems.

Why remove wisdom teeth?

An “Impacted Wisdom Tooth” fails to emerge fully into its expected position or is unlikely to do so in the future. Wisdom tooth extraction is usually performed surgically, and better done sooner than later.

Some of the problems associated with impacted wisdom teeth include:

  • Bacteria and plaque build-up
  • Recurrent infections in the area
  • Cysts development
  • Tumour development
  • Infection
  • Partial lock jaw
  • Jaw and gum disease

If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms, please make an appointment as soon as possible:

  • Intense wisdom teeth pain and soreness in the mouth (possibly radiating to the ear and/or throat)
  • Infection in the mouth
  • Facial swelling
  • Swelling of the gum line in the back of the mouth
wisdom teeth removal auckland

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