One Monday morning, Tom, a 50 year old bloke walked into our practice saying his wife thought his smile looked chipped and that he was looking older than his age. A typical Kiwi bloke hardly has the time to look at his teeth, so when he was pushed by his wife to see us, he came along reluctantly. Tom could hardly believe his eyes when we used Smile Design to show him an Artist impression of what he would look like after the treatment was done. The first step in rejuvenating a smile is developing an artist’s impression. This is called a Mock-up – Trial Smile. Tom made a hesitant decision, but his wife was sold on the plan. Here are the before and after shots just as we finished the UPPER TEETH.
Dental veneers are thin covers of ceramic that are placed over the chipped and darkened teeth to bring them back to life. The colour and shade are perfectly matched and chosen by the patient, standing in front of a large mirror. The entire process is completed in a couple of weeks and the veneers make a huge impact on the smile. At Caring 4 Smiles, we have been rebuilding chipped and worn teeth for over 25 years and we have yet to see any need for redoing the work. These cosmetic dental options take decades off the smile and give you a youthful presentation. Veneers are a quick and efficient way to realign teeth, repair chipped teeth and change the colour from dark to natural white.
The best compliment on our work came from Tom’s wife, who said, “Caring 4 Smiles gave my husband his Smile as on the day I married him. They rewound the clock”
Take a look for yourselves. You decide.
If you would like one of our Smiles, just drop in for a chat and to see what we can do for you.