Case Study: Partial Denture With Mini Dental Implants

by Caring 4 Smiles | Dental implants

Mini Implants are made from titanium, invented several years ago to stabilize dentures. Caring 4 Smiles has completed a considerable body of work to enhance denture wearers’ quality of life through not having to deal with floppy dentures.

Jason suffered an upper jaw (palate) defect. He tried for many years but could not wear a denture as it touched this area. He gagged and vomited by any physical contact in the mid-line of his palate.

An upper partial denture with mini dental Implants


What did Caring 4 Smiles do to help?

A treatment plan was proposed to Jason and he accepted the following:

  • We placed 4 mini implants at one surgical appointment to act as supporting pillars.
  • Constructed a new upper cast partial denture – free of the center of the palate.
  • Jason was considerably apprehensive after years of disappointment but was excited when we seated the new denture into his mouth.
  • A perfect solution and Jason is delighted. He will get decades of service from the investment.

Long Term forecast: In time, Jason may lose all his natural teeth. In that case, we will place a few more mini-implants into the upper jaw and prepare a full upper metal base denture keeping the center area free. We focus on the longevity of the investment a patient makes, in every discussion and treatment plan.
