Tooth Veneers

One Monday morning,  Tom, a 50 year old bloke walked into our practice saying his wife thought his smile looked chipped and that he was looking older than his age. 

Leaking amalgam fillings – Why fix what’s not busted?

At Caring 4 Smiles, every new patient is put through a risk evaluation to detect growing issues that are not urgent now.  This comprehensive diagnosis often reveals old amalgam fillings

Replacing old amalgam fillings and catch early decay

For over 100 years, dentists have been placing dental amalgam in patient’s teeth, because there was nothing better available to the profession. However, over the years, these metal and mercury

Multiple cavities in adjacent teeth

Dental decay is a bacterial infection and this spreads from tooth to tooth. The one with the largest cavity, becomes painful and patients usually focus on the single tooth causing

Fill the large and small cavities promptly

  Eli did not notice the advanced decay in the last molar. This would have become an abscessed tooth in a few months causing significant pain and expense. At the

Root Canal treatment in a 9 year old

Is Root Canal treatment really preventable? Yes, Preventive Care detects tiny cavities before they push through the outer enamel and seals off the problem much before it gets even close

Rapidly spreading decay in Teenage molars

No one likes to go to the dentist, specially when they are in pain.  Therefore, Preventive Dental Treatment is the best solution, and it must start early in a child’s

Extensive Tooth Decay In A Young Child

Kids teeth are precious and can get decayed very quickly. Is dental decay preventable?  Yes. Preventive Dental Care detects tiny cavities before it travels through the outer enamel and reaches

Deep Fissures Cause Extensive Tooth Decay in Young Mouths

All chewing teeth ( molars ), develop a fissures pattern that gets packed with sticky food. These fissures are a very high risk and must be monitored when the permanent

Pit & Fissure Tooth Decay

Preventive Care detects early decay in the natural pits & grooves of all teeth. These early decay lesions will grow into larger cavities resulting in expensive remedial work. Caring 4

Space Maintainers & stainless steel crowns

Unfortunately, Aleisha developed extensive decay and lost a few teeth. Mum was visibly concerned about the new teeth coming through. Is this what children should endure? NO, this must never

Don’t ignore a food trap. It can be very expensive

Inspect old amalgams regularly. Old amalgams break down and result in food entrapment. In this case, Thomas had constant food traps on either side of the first molar resulting in